The Archer and the Pyro

Chapter 10: Off Track

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          “A-assassins…” Matsuo stammered.

          Fu nodded”

         “That’s…Unreal!” Saruwatari stated. “That’s sooooooo cool!! I can’t believe we’re going to be meeting real assassins!”

          Matsuo whimpered slightly. “A-a-assassins! Are you crazy or mental?!”

          Fu scratched the side of his head.

          “Not quite sure…” he replied mockingly. “They’re both such great options…”

          “Don’t back talk!” Matsuo snapped.

          Fu raised his eyebrows.

          “Little man, you’re not in any position to talk like that to me.” Fu grunted. “Besides, you wanted to know what we’re going to be heading after. Am I wrong?”

          Matsuo gulped and then he nodded.

          “B-but…Won’t assassins kill us?!”

          Saruwatari giggled.

          “Of course we won’t be anywhere near them! Right?”

          When Fu failed to respond, Saruwatari squealed in the back of his throat.

          “We’re going to die, aren’t we?!” Saruwatari wined.

          Fu shook his head.

          “They only kill if it pays…”

          Matsuo swallowed hard.

          “You wanted to know…” Rai muttered under his breath.

          “Yeah, well you could have lied to us or something!” Saruwatari shouted over at him.

          “Watch it,” Fu growled at him. “Don’t speak to him like that! I can’t believe how unbearably retarded you both are.”

          Matsuo grunted.

          “Keep it down up there!” Yumi shouted at them.

          The four boys looked back at the two girls walking along the trail behind them. The girls smiled innocently at them. Kojima even waved.

          “Are you two tired of walking yet?” Fu asked. “You’ve been back there for near an hour.”

          Kojima shook her head. “We’re fine!”

          Yumi nodded.

          The boys sighed before turning their attention back to the road ahead of them. Not two seconds later they felt something hop onto the back of the cart. The boys whirled their heads around to see the two girls smiling at them. Then they simultaneously made on peace sign each.

          Fu smacked his hand to his forehead before turning back around for the second time. Rai looked a little confused for a moment. Then he shrugged his scrawny shoulders and looked back at the road ahead.

          Saruwatari shook his head.

          “If there were ever any pair more retarded than you two, the world would never be the same…And in a bad way, too.”

          Matsuo nodded his agreement.

          Kojima stuck her tongue out while Yumi flipped them the double birdie. The two girls giggled. Matsuo and Saruwatari looked taken back. They looked al Fu and Rai.

          “What?” Fu asked with an attitude.

          “Didn’t you see those two?” Matsuo questioned.

          “See what?” Rai questioned.

          “Yumi flipped us off!” Matsuo shouted.

          Fu looked even more irritated. He raised his hand to chest height and did a thumbs up.

          “Great for you,” he replied sarcastically. “That proves it. You two are made for each other.”

          “Uh!” Matsuo couldn’t think of anything to say.

          Yumi spoke up. “In his dreams, muscle brains!”

          “And not even there,” Kojima added with a grin.

          “Children…” Fu sighed under his breath.

          Kojima wrapped her arms loosely around his shoulders. Fu was shocked. Blushing, he whipped his head around.


          “Fu!” Kojima purred. “We aren’t kids! We’re teenagers, so get use to it!”

          She hugged him a little tighter before letting go and dropping down beside Yumi. Yumi grinned at her before glancing at Fu. She shook her head slightly, the grin still on her face.

          “I hate you little squirts!” he growled.

          “You say that now, Fu-San. Just wait.” Yumi assured him.

          Fu sighed one more time before continuing on with what he was doing.

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