The Archer and the Pyro

Chapter 09: Half-Sister

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“They’re looking for their sister,” Kojima said.

          “Their…sister?” Yumi thought about it for a second. “That’s all? They have a run away sister they want to bring home? That’s the big adventure?!”

          Kojima sighed.

          “Yumi…Look deeper than sister!”

          “I will once you explain the damn situation!” Yumi shot at her through clenched teeth.

          Kojima took a moment before telling everything she knew.

          “Her name is Murdock Avril—”

          “But they’re name is Makoto,” Yumi interrupted, pointing to Fu and Rai up ahead.

          “This is their half sister!” Kojima shot back at her. “They have the same mother. And before you get on Avril’s name, her father was a foreigner.” Kojima paused to recollect her thoughts. “Now…where was I? Okay…Avril’s father came after Fu-Kun and Rai-Kun’s father passed away. They lived in an ice village in the mountains, near an opposing ice village. The opposing village of Ryou wished to attack Taiki, a peaceful place. Avril’s father promised her hand to Shiraishi, the ruler of Ryou, in exchange for peace with Taiki.”

          “So…They got married?” Yumi urged Kojima to tell her more. “What happened, Koji? Did he take off with her or something?”

          “She was fourteen when they married…” Kojima’s voice trailed off for a moment. “She wasn’t happy with the marriage. Not only is Shiraishi an evil man, he’s a demon.”

          Yumi opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

          Kojima nodded. “A demon of ice. And she ran away from him.”

          “…” Yumi looked at the ground. “Well…When’d she run away?”

          “Before her fifteenth birthday.” Kojima glanced at Yumi. “Anything else?”

          “Ohh…” Yumi thought about it for a minute. “No…Nothing else.”

          Kojima sighed.

          “To think…She hates an ice demon, yet she roams around with three of them.”

          Yumi looked at her surprised.

          “She actually goes around with three demons?”

          “Wolf demons,” Kojima added.

          “What? Is she a murderer?” Yumi asked with all seriousness.

          “No…The demons seem to be peaceful.”

          Yumi sighed and then shook her head.

          “Anything else I should know about? About Avril, I mean.”

          Kojima bit her lip.

          “She wields a demon sword…a huge sword called Aoki-Yamada. A weapon of ice with devastating power.”

          Yumi looked at Kojima like she was craze.

          “And you want to take this girl down?!” Yumi gasped.

          Kojima giggled. “If it will get her to go back home, Fu said he’ll do it.”

          Yumi looked up at Fu, and then at Rai. She thought how hard it must have been for them to lose their little sister.

          “Guess what else,” Kojima whispered. “She’s traveling with a group of assassins.”

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