Kojima-Chan: Yuurei
Shi finally has all three parts out! So, now all 16 pages of the Halloween edition manga can be viewed at its home page. Srry for the two day delay. I got sick with phirengitus (it's not spelled correctly...) and ended up sleeping most of Thanksgiving
week when I should have been finishing up. So, I hope you like it! Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
Kojima-Chan: NaruChat
Beta! chat #02 is out! Also, part 2 of Yuurei Shi is out for view with not five but six new pages, the last one being in color *_*
There's a new comic strip here at Kojumi called Poor Dog. I have just added strip number two to the series. I ask you to please check it out. I think it's cute^ ^ Also, I am
going o have part twoto Yuurei Shi added to the Yuurei Shi site tomorrow! I'm hoping it will be five pages this time. If I'm lucky, six. If all goes well, all three
parts will be up before the end of November. Then, I can get to workon the Christmas edition^ ^ Oh, and I'm hoping to have another NaruChat Beta! chat up either by tonight or tomorrow at noon. And I'm
also shooting for another Dear Diary video (this time I'll use Sasuke instead of Kankuro). Please check back tomorrow!