The Kojumi Project

Yumi and Avril

Yumi and Avril

By: Kojima Omyasaka


“Iruka’s an ugly moron,” Yumi said matter-of-factly.

“Gasp!!!” Avril’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Why you little wanker!”

“Rai is much better!” Yumi replied with a wide grin. “He’s sooooo hot!”

Avril ground her teeth while growling.

“That’s it! I’ll tear you apart and maul your coffin!”

Kojima shook her head with a sigh.

“Another day, another bother,” she said mostly to herself.

It really didn’t matter. Neither of the girls were paying attention to her. She sighed again.

“The only thing you can do is growl,” Yumi snapped at Avril.

“Bring it on, you deformed bow!”

“What?! I’m a beautiful bow! Soooo unlike you…”

“I’ll sweep the floor with your already dirty blonde hair!”

“Bring it, foreigner!”


The two growled at each other. Kojima, a bit irritated, began to sip her tea. She looked down at her cup.

I hate tea she thought to herself. She took another sip.

“We’ll see who’s better one of these days!” Yumi shouted.

“Why bother? Everyone knows I could easily kick your pathetic hind quarters.”


Yumi turned on her heel and crossed her arms. Avril did the same. Avril began to walk to the door. As soon as she knew Yumi had turned back around, she spun around making a peace sign.

“Hah! I win!” she shouted.

Yumi looked taken back.

Avril giggled. Then, while whistling, she walked out of the room.

“Why that little…” Yumi growled.

Kojima glanced up at her. She quickly dumped the rest of her nasty tea into Yumi’s cup while she wasn’t looking.

Yumi sat back down and picked up her cup. She hesitated.

“Is it just me, or is this fuller than when I left it?”

“You’r crazy,” Kojima replied, shaking her head.

            Yumi shrugged her shoulders and began to drink her tea.

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