The Kojumi Project

The Post Office

Sakamoto-Chan's first piece. She origionally began writing this for Kojima-Chan to illustrate into a manga. The Kojumi expansion is going too fast for it to just be a manga, so the tired of waiting Moto-Chan typed it out and put it on TOKYOPOP. Koji-Chan decided to take some of the Kojumi attention off of her, so the time of Sakamoto starts with her 100% origional tale of the mafia, The Post Office.



Charlie Estevez is an average teenage girl. She cuts class, experiments, and has a good old time with her best friend, *India. But things change when her mother decides to punish her by making Charlie work at her father's post office. Her mother's ex husband isn't too excited with the idea, but Charlie ends up working there. But why was her father so surprised of the suggestion of his post office? There's only one way to find out.

  1. Chapter 01
  2. Chapter 02

The Post Office is written by Sakamoto. It has been edited by Kojima.

The character addressed as India is property of Omyasaka of the Kojumi Project. She is used with the creator's permission.


The Manga:

